Friday, December 9, 2011

Arthur Rackham - illustrator

 Arthur Rackham- he is one of London's most unique historical artists of note. Arthur put a strange quality into his art, and he put it in with skill and a love for art. As a child Rackham drew the strange trees in his backyard, and he would spend so much of his free time drawing. He went part time to an art academy while he worked as a clerk. He quit his job as a clerk in 1892 and went to work for The Westminster Budget as a reporter and illustrator. Arthur Rackham went on to do book illustrating for the rest of his career. He had amazing drawing skills and a gift for caricature.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Welcome to the arena!

Hello! Guess what. This blog is going to be an everything and nothing in particular sort of blog. You see, the way it works is I am going to go with a different posting theme each month. This month is going to be on illustrating. I hope you will follow.